I asked Adrien, our builder, for an estimate. He is working on it. He has to figure out how much of each type of material he needs according to the plan. When he gets all this information, he will add it together and it will be our estimate. If he is not sure, he will refer to the plan. THE PLAN! How I want there to be a plan! I never get a plan. There are theories, philosophies, ideas, opinions, but no PLAN. There is probable ADHD with an underlying depression that could be affecting the attentional abilities. There is an executive function disorder. I have to write the plan. Maybe I should go into the construction field.
In all honesty, if someone gave me a plan, I’m sure I would not follow it. I never do.
Adrien is friends with Tanner. In fact, Tanner gave me his name. Adrien is a handsome, 30 something construction worker with a business mind. He is married and has a little girl. Everyone I called on his prepared reference list gave him such glowing reviews, it made me wonder if he paid them. One woman said that her only issue with him is that he did not talk to her enough while he was working. She felt like she was bothering him. She admitted that she may have been in his way. Adrien was our definite first choice, after interviewing three other talented builders. With Tanner next door, I know that whatever we give him to build will turn out a masterpiece.